Bat Removal Aurora



bat removal aurora

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Skunk removal, bat removal, raccoon removal, and squirrel removal services are covered. All our professional and affordable services that include exclusion services are backed by a guarantee and a 2-year warranty. If animals break in through our work during the warranty period we return to rectify the situation at no additional charge.


warranty 2 years

Bat Control Aurora

Bats are fascinating animals that suffer from disease and deforestation. As Aurora and the surrounding region encroaches on their natural habitats, bats roost in attics and other shelters where they do not belong. This causes damage and dirties the attic with droppings.

We provide safe and humane to all bat problems. Our technicians are trained, licensed, and experienced in getting bats out from a variety of places. If you are worried about the bats in your area, give us a call and a technician will be there soon. We will remove the animals and keep them out safely.


Humane Wildlife Removal & Trapping Services in Aurora. Schedule an Appointment

The Bat Removal Process

Our team members use humane methods of bat removal so that no one gets hurt. First, we inspect the property’s exterior to find entry points. Then, we may check the attic for more clues. Once an opening has been found, we install a one-way door to it. This lets the bats leave, on their own, at night. Once out, they cannot get back inside.

If it is bat baby season, we must unfortunately leave the bast alone until the babies are big enough to fly. Bats in Ontario are a protected species and therefore they cannot be harmed during this vulnerable stage. Baby season occurs in May through July. During this season, we inspect the attic carefully. If there are babies, we wait another 4 weeks before installing the door.

To better ensure that the bats won’t come back, we offer exclusion services in which we seal and cover every other opening in the roof. We cover roof vents, fascia, soffits, and more, with bat-proof materials. We also offer cleaning and disinfection services in which we remove droppings and clean up to remove germs.

Bats Dropping in Attic
Bats Dropping in Attic
Bats in Ontario
Bats in Ontario

Bats in Ontario

Two species of bat enter Ontario homes: the big brown bat and the little brown bat. Also known as house bats, both species have brown fur and large ears that stick out from their heads. They have stubby little noses and sharp teeth. The biggest difference between the two is size. While the little brown bat has a body length of 9cm, the big brown bat measures up to 13cm long.

Bats in Ontario are protected therefore it is illegal to harm them in any way. These are important members of the ecosystem that suffer greatly from disease and deforestation. Bats consume hundreds of mosquitoes each, every night, keeping the West Nile virus at bay. Their feces are also a rich fertilizer. Having bats within an area signify that the environment is healthy and balanced. Their removal from the home must be totally humane.

Signs of a Bat Colony in the Attic

Given their quiet, nocturnal nature, bats often go unnoticed for a long time. They sneak into attics for shelter and roost there, quietly, for months at a time. Look for the following signs if you suspect that there are bats in your attics:

  • Droppings and Odours

Like mice, bats leave droppings behind them, everywhere they go. When they roost in attics, you might find them stuck to the exterior walls of the home, near points of entry. In the attic, you might also find piles of droppings on the floor, directly under the beams where the bats roost. With time, the droppings may cause a noticeable smell in the rooms below.

  • Oily Streaks on the Exterior of the Home

 Using the same points of entry, over and over again, leaves greasy stains around them. You may find, for example, a smudge of grease on the siding of the home where it meets a gap in the soffits. Odd stains in the wall like this may point to a bat colony.

  • Noises in the Attic

Bats are quiet, but you may hear them squeak or flap their wings in the attic. In the summer, bats will shift up and down the walls, from areas of hot to cold, so you may hear them scratching up and down the interior of the walls. Listen carefully and check the interior of the attic if you can.

  • Bat Activity

 Step outside at nightfall and observe the roof carefully. You may spot some bats flying in or out of the house. An unusual amount of activity in the area may signify that there is a colony in the house.

Humane Bat Removal Using One Way Door
Humane Bat Removal Using One Way Door

Humane Wildlife Removal & Trapping Services in Aurora. Schedule an Appointment

Why You Should Hire a Professional Bat Removal Service

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Professionals have the training and equipment to get rid of bats safely. They have a thorough understanding of bat behaviour and what it takes to remove them. A professional can find where the bats are coming from, install a one-way door, and ensure that no bats get hurt. He or she can also exclude the property, so this doesn’t happen again.

While you could attempt to remove the bats yourself, there is always the risk that you get bit and come down with a dangerous illness. Trapping bats risks starving the animals, and you risk separating mothers from their young. Harming bats in any way is illegal. It is best that you keep your distance and call in the professionals.

The technicians at Wildlife Removal Aurora are experienced in handling all kinds of bat problems. Call us 647-496-5702 and a member of our team will conduct a thorough inspection. Our services are safe, affordable, and reliable. Call us today for bat removal services in the Aurora region.

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